Why is men's mental health important?


Our society has a problem with men's mental health. It's not just that men are less likely to speak up about their own mental health, but they also don't get the support they need in order to cope with depression and anxiety. This article discusses why men's mental health is so important — especially for young boys — and how we can start addressing this issue today..

men's mental health

Depression is common.

Depression is a common mental health problem, affecting men and women at all ages. It can affect people of all races and socioeconomic statuses.

Depression has been linked to suicide attempts in both males and females (1). As many as one-third of people with major depression will attempt suicide during their lifetime (2). In fact, research suggests that depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide; it affects an estimated 350 million people around the world (3).

Anxiety is common.

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, but it can also signal other mental health conditions. Anxiety is a symptom of depression, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If you're experiencing symptoms like these, talk with your doctor about treatment options that might be right for you.

Suicide is common.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death for men and the second leading cause of death for young men. Rates are highest among men with a history of men's mental health illness, who are more likely to experience depression, anxiety and other mood disorders.

In addition to being more likely to die by suicide than their peers who don't have mental health issues, men with these conditions often struggle with other aspects of their lives as well (such as substance abuse). However, it's important to note that not all people who have been diagnosed with a condition like depression will attempt suicide; research shows that only about 3% do so each year in the US alone!

Homophobia, sexual assault and domestic violence are also common.

Homophobia, sexual assault and domestic violence are also common. Homophobia is the fear of being gay. Sexual assault is the act of forcing someone to have sex against their will or without consent. Domestic Violence refers to any form of physical or emotional abuse between an intimate partner (including dating partners) in which one person controls the other through intimidation, coercion and/or threats against themself or their children that could lead to injury or death if broken up by a third party such as law enforcement officials.

Mental illness can lead to violence, suicide and other dangerous consequences.

Mental illness can lead to violence, suicide and other dangerous consequences. Mental illness affects everyone differently, but it's important for men to know that there are some common symptoms that could indicate a problem:

  • Isolation from friends and family - Men may be less likely than women to seek help for depression and anxiety because they believe their behaviour is out of the ordinary. This can make them feel like they don't have anyone who understands what they're going through, which causes further isolation from others in your life

Men's mental health is important because it can affect every area of a man's life.

  • It can affect how he feels about himself and his abilities.
  • It can affect how he feels about others, including his family and friends.


Mental health is an important aspect of a person's life. It affects how they feel, think and act. But men's mental health has not been given the same attention it deserves, which is why we are writing this blog post.


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